Vending Opportunity
Thank you for your interest in vending at the Outaouais Herb Gathering. We are interested in hosting vendors who have handmade, local goods for sale. This may include products made from plants, textiles, pottery, and other art or crafts.
Your vendor fee includes free access to any and all workshops that interest you.
You will need to bring everything you need to set up. This includes tables, chairs, tents (if you want one), etc.
There is no electricity available, no ATM on site, and no local wifi network. Please bring your own payment device with a data connection.
We estimate there will be 150-200 people at the Gathering.
Cost of vending: this fee covers your booth and allows you to attend the entire workshops for free! Vending fees are paid by purchasing a Vending Ticket on our Eventbrite Registration page. *This early bird price ends May 15.
Saturday (August 10) only: $125
Full weekend (August 9-10-11): $175 - note, you will need to find your own accommodation, unless you add-on a ticket to reserve one of our limited camping spots during the checkout process.
For an application form, please email:
Through your participation in the Work-Exchange Program, you will get to attend some of the wonderfully rich and varied workshops that will take place throughout the weekend.
If you are on the herbal path, or even contemplating and curious about the medicinal herbs, this is a great opportunity to submerge yourself in the local herbal community, meet other herbal-minded people, and expand your herbal knowledge while contributing to the success of the only herb gathering in the Outaouais region.
Required: a $50 commitment/attendance deposit that is returned to you at the end of the event - other than that, your registration fee is $0!​
We prefer that volunteers are available for the entire weekend, whether camping at the event or commuting daily. We are looking to fill 6 Work-Exchange positions for the entirety of the event.
Work exchange schedule:​
Friday, August 9th: 4 pm - 9 pm
Saturday, August 10th: 8 am - 9 pm - there will be a lunch and dinner break, as well as shorter breaks throughout the day
Sunday, August 11th: 8 am - 1 pm
Application form and a detailed list of participant involvement : click here